Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Some of the health benefits of royal jelly include its ability to prevent certain types of cancer, lower blood pressure, relieve sexual infertility, lower cholesterol levels, protects the liver, reduces inflammation, heals digestive disorders, prevents premature aging, help in weight loss efforts, and increase circulation.
While most people know that honey comes from bees, most people don’t know that there is another type of nutritious type of food that comes from the same insect. Royal jelly is actually excreted from the top of a bee’s head and is collected in what’s called a queen cell (a special honeycomb). When bee larvae are first born, they are fed royal jelly directly from the workers in order to get a healthy, nutritious boost so they survive their first few days of life. However, after 3-4 days, larvae no longer consume royal jelly. However, for potential queen bees, royal jelly is far more important. In fact, queen larvae are put into these special queen cells and are surrounded by royal jelly. This is what helps them to develop their “queen morphology”.
There is a single protein, royalactin, that causes the phenotypic change in the queen larvae. It causes them to develop ovaries and grow to a far larger size than normal bees. Furthermore, royal jelly has been known to extend the life span of a queen more than 20 times longer than that of a normal bee.


Also, since bees are such good workers, a single colony can store up to 500 grams of royal jelly over a 5-6 month period. A queen couldn’t possibly consume that much, which is why a market developed for this nutrient supplement. Royal jelly is commonly found in diet or organic food stores. You can often find royal jelly at farmers’ markets as well. In terms of use, royal jelly usually comes in granules or powder form and is commonly added to salads, smoothies, yogurt, or some other cold beverage or dish. It is important never to heat royal jelly, because it will destroy all of the enzymatic properties and some of the proteins that make it so beneficial for human consumption. Although it is not widely known, it is packed with health benefits for those who choose to add it to their diet.

Nutritional Value of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly contains a rich variety of nutrients including minerals like calcium, copper, iron, phosphorous, silicon, sulfur, and potassium, as well as a wealth of B-family vitamins, biotin, inositol, folate, nucleic acids, gamma globulin, and 17 different amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids that the human body cannot produce, and must therefore get from their diet.

Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Blood Pressure: Research has revealed that some of the proteins found in royal jelly have a direct effect on blood pressure levels in humans. This protein hydrolysate can have a long-lasting impact on blood pressure. When this is combined with the potassium found in royal jelly, which also acts as a vasodilator to reduce stress on blood vessels and the heart, royal jelly begins to look like a great way to prevent a variety of heart conditions.
Cholesterol Levels: Although most people associate sweet, delicious foods with unhealthy cholesterol, that isn’t the case with royal jelly. In fact, research has shown that consistently adding royal jelly to your diet can cause a notable drop in your “bad” cholesterol levels, thereby helping you prevent atherosclerosis and subsequent cardiovascular issues like heart attacks and strokes.
Infertility Issues: Although the exact function of royal jelly in the fertility process is unclear, some suspect that its impact on human fertility is connected to royalactin, which is the protein that affects the queen’s morphology and helps her become sexually viable. Whatever the reason happens to be, royal jelly has been shown to increase the fertility of men and increase sperm motility, thereby increasing their partner’s chances of becoming pregnant.
Cancer Prevention: There are a number of antioxidant agents found in royal jelly, but specifically, royal jelly shows an ability to inhibit bis-phenol A, also known as BPA. This is an environmental estrogen, and it has been linked to increased levels of breast cancer. Therefore, by keeping enough royal jelly in your diet, you can help prevent this terrible, and yet tragically common, type of cancer.
Inflammation: The impressive range of vitamins and active enzymes in royal jelly make it a potential anti-inflammatory agent. However, as excessive heat will undo the enzymatic properties, so royal jelly cannot be ingested for those benefits. Therefore, you can topically apply royal jelly in a paste to certain affected areas of the body to relieve the pain of inflammation.

Premature Aging: Just as royal jelly helps to extend the queen’s life span significantly, the antioxidant compounds found in royal jelly can also work to eliminate the free radicals that normally cause premature aging of our cells.Antioxidants can eliminate wrinkles, maintain a healthy shine to your skin, prevent hair loss, and avoid macular degeneration, while also extending your life by preventing certain chronic disease.
Weight Loss Effects: Lecithin is one of the components in royal jelly, which can effectively lower cholesterol, improve liver function, and promote healthy digestion. All of these things can help with weight loss efforts. When combined with the improved metabolism that is caused by royal jelly and the protein content of this nutrient supplement, it can work as a definite weight loss booster!
Metabolic Activity: The fact that royal jelly contains all 8 of the necessary amino acids that humans cannot produce themselves makes royal jelly a very important food source. Those 8 amino acids can be difficult to acquire, but are necessary for forging new proteins in the body and keeping our metabolism running properly. Royal jelly can therefore increase cellular regeneration, boost muscle development and growth, increase bone strength, and optimize the hormonal/enzymatic processes in our body, resulting in dozens of other healthy boosts to our lifestyle!
A Final Word of Caution: A number of people are allergic to honey, bee pollen, and royal jelly. The allergic reaction can also be quite severe, even causing rapid anaphylaxis. Before adding royal jelly to your diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor or allergist.

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''

Health Benefits of Gelatin

The health benefits of gelatin include its ability to boost skin, hair, and nail growth, reduce inflammation of the joints, tone up the body and skin, improve digestion, boosts muscle growth, strengthens blood vessels and intracellular networks, optimizes the metabolism, detoxifies the body, strengthens the bones, boosts the immune system, helps regulate weight, eliminates sleep disorders, and helps speed up the healing of wounds.
Gelatin is a unique element in many people’s daily diets. It is made of collagen that is acquired from various animal by-products. It is a brittle, colorless, translucent, and flavorless substance. That doesn’t sound particularly interesting, but it is an essential part of many gel-like substances, including jellies, ice creams, yogurts, gummy candies, marshmallows, certain gelatin desserts, and various dips. In non-food applications, it is even used in photography, pharmaceuticals, and various cosmetic products. You can get gelatin in sheets, granules, or powdered form for home use. You can also take gelatin supplements to get all of the health benefits in a concentrated form.
Basically, gelatin is a combination of proteins and peptides, making it a wonderful source of amino acids that are essential for a variety of body processes. Furthermore, since they are proteins derived from animal products, our body has to do less work to break them down than is required for plant proteins before changing them into usable forms for humans. It is often acquired from meat and leather products, but fish products have recently become popular sources as well. Most commonly, it is manufactured through pork skins, horses, and cattle bones. It is a massive industry on a global scale, and more than 800 billion pounds are produced every year for all of the various uses. Let’s take a look at some of the nutritional elements found in gelatin that make it such a useful addition to our diet.

gelatinNutritional Value of Gelatin

In terms of the nutritional composition of gelatin, it is a good source of numerous vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds, including copper, selenium, and phosphorous, along with being an excellent source of proteins. By dry weight, gelatin is 98-99% protein, but it does not contain all of the necessary amino acids for humans, meaning that it is not a complete protein source. However, it is still an important source of many proteins for our bodies to use.

Health Benefits of Gelatin

Weight Management: Certain studies have shown gelatin to be an important element that increasesproduction of HGH (Human Growth Hormone), while also stimulating the metabolism through its nutrient and amino acids. Furthermore, it’s fiber and protein content helps make you feel full, which eliminates your cravings for food and reduces overeating. This makes it a useful food item for people trying to manage their weight naturally.
Wound Healing: Proteins are an essential part of wound healing, and gelatin contains a specific amino acid called glycine, which is directly connected to reducing inflammation. This means that a wound can move from the inflammation stage to the healing stage much faster, and the additional amino acids and proteins help to develop new skin and scar tissue.
Nails, Hair, and Teeth: People are always trying to find new ways to take care of their hair, skin, nails, and teeth. Keratin, one of the proteins found in gelatin, is found in high quantities in those parts of your body, and helps to keep them strong. Therefore, consuming gelatin is a simple and effective way to guarantee keeping those superficial elements of your body in good shape!
Bone and Joint Health: The proteins found in gelatin, as well as the selenium, phosphorous, and copper found in significant amounts can help keep your bones strong and increase the bone mineral density in your body. This can be an important defensive mechanism against osteoporosis, while certain other amino acids found in gelatin are known to reduce inflammation, meaning that conditions like arthritis can also be helped by consuming gelatin. Furthermore, gelatin can contribute to the development of cartilage, which strengthens joints and bones and extends their longevity.
Immune System Booster: Proline, another amino acid found in significant amounts in gelatin, has been connected with improved immune function in animals, meaning that we can improve our health and general ability to fight off infections and disease by consuming gelatin in our daily diet.
Sleep Aid: Studies have connected glycine to improved sleep cycles and a stimulation of certain neurotransmitters and enzymes that increase the quality and duration of sleep. Proper sleep cycles and rest for the body is also important for the general functioning and metabolism of the body and affects health in many ways.
Skin Tone and Anti-Aging Effects: Gelatin is basically dried out collagen, which is one of the most important elements in our skin to maintain elasticity and tightness between dermal cells. By increasing the amount of collagen through consuming gelatin, we can keep our skin tight and looking younger far into our older years.
Metabolic Regulation: As mentioned earlier, gelatin is a wonderful source of amino acids and is close to a complete protein source. This means that all of the metabolic activities of the body are improved by eating gelatin, including the creation of new cells, the elimination of sick or unhealthy cells, increase in muscles, proper usage and absorption of nutrients, and a number of other essential functions in our body.
Digestive Health: Gelatin has been found to naturally bind to water, thereby thickening up stools, much the same way that fiber does. By improving the bulk of our stool, gelatin is able to reduce conditions like constipation, stimulate digestive juices, and increase peristaltic motion in the smooth intestinal muscles. This can help improve many different health problems, since constipation and the inability to properly absorb nutrients can be a major problem for our health.
Allergy Relief: Studies have connected gelatin to healing the digestive tract, and many allergic reactions are often attributed to a “leaky gut” that is unable to process certain substances. Therefore, by healing any tears or issues in the digestive tract, gelatin is able to heal allergic issues and make our bodies more able to process and handle a variety of foods.
A Few Words of Caution: The only commonly reported side effects of gelatin are burping, bloating, and upset stomachs, but these reactions are rare. Furthermore, there was a brief time when people were concerned about animal diseases, such as Mad Cow Disease, being transferred into gelatin. However, this has never been confirmed and no healthy risks have been stated by Food and Drug Administrations throughout the world. So….enjoy!

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''

Health Benefits of Yogurt

The health benefits of yogurt have always been important to mankind. Yogurt is a powerhouse of various vitamins and minerals that are also present in milk. Furthermore, yogurt is a good source of easily digestible proteins. Yogurt is beneficial for maintaining cholesterol levels in the body and preventing ailments like hypertension, while also boosting immunity. It is good for improving the strength of bones and teeth, aids in digestion, and is valuable in skin care.
The health benefits of yogurt are due to the fact that it is prepared from milk. It is often offered as a healthy dessert option and is used to flavour dishes in a number of Eastern cuisines. Regardless of how it is consumed, it retains the health benefits of milk in a low-fat form. It can also be consumed by lactose intolerant individuals who cannot normally digest milk.
An additional benefit of yogurt consumption is the presence of Lactobacillus, a helpful class of bacteria that ferments milk into yogurt and aids in the digestive process in the body. They also protect the gut from succumbing to infections by harmful bacteria.

Health Benefits of Yogurt

Here are some of the most prominent health benefits of yogurt:
Rich Source of Essential Minerals: Being derived from milk, yogurt consists of large doses of calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone health and dental health. Adequate calcium consumption also lowers the incidence of osteoporosis in menopausal women. Yogurt is rich in potassium and magnesium. Potassium is essential for nerve health and maintains the fluid balance in the body. Magnesium is just as essential for bone health as calcium!
Storehouse of Vitamins: Yogurt contains abundant levels of vitamin B2 and B12. Vitamin B2 is essential for healthy nerves, eyes, and skin. Vitamin B12 is essential for maintaining bone health and its deficiency leads to anemia. Yogurt also contains healthy amounts of vitamin D and E. Vitamin D is essential for skeletal health and vitamin E aids in maintaining healthy skin, as well as reproductive health.
YogurtBone Health: Calcium is essential for maintaining the good condition of our bones. We all know that milk is a great source of calcium, but digesting milk is difficult for many people. Yogurt contains all the essential minerals, including calcium, that are present in milk, but is also much easier to digest (not just that it also aids in digestion). Therefore, consuming yogurt helps in maintaining the strength of the bones. It  is also good for patients suffering from osteoporosis and rheumatism. Yogurt is a boon for many people who suffer with being lactose intolerant.
Rich Source of Animal Proteins: The protein content of yogurt has been found to be higher than that of milk and is found to be more easily digestible than milk due to the partial breakdown of proteins, such as casein, by the fermenting bacteria. This is according to findings by the Journal of Dairy research.
Boosts Gastrointestinal Health: Yogurt can be used as a milk substitute for lactose intolerant individuals who cannot digest milk and would normally lose out on its health benefits. Due to the presence of active bacterial strains in yogurt, it is easily digestible. In fact, the “pro-biotic” components of yogurt, produced by the lactic acid bacteria present in it, aid in alleviating constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and even infections by peptic ulcer-causing bacteria H. pylori, which may eventually lead to stomach cancer.
Boosts Immunity: The pro-biotic strains of bacteria present in yogurt boost the immune system and reduce the incidence of infections, inflammatory diseases, and allergies, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Lowers Hypertension: The regular intake of dairy products has been shown to lower hypertension. However, due to the presence of high fat content, excessive consumption is not advisable. Yogurt combines a low-fat dairy option with the benefits of a normal dairy option.
Reduces Serum Cholesterol: Studies carried out by various institutes indicate a drop in serum LDL cholesterol levels when a person regularly consumes yogurt. Thus, daily consumption may lead to a reduction in cardiovascular diseases.
Prevents Vaginal Infections: Vaginal infections due to Candida are commonly observed in diabetic women. The daily consumption of yogurt lowers the pH of the vaginal tract and prevents Candida infections.
Cures Bad Breath: Yogurt is a natural cure for bad breath and has reduced halitosis by up to 80% in test subjects. Levels of plaque and gingivitis were also found to be lower among daily consumers of yogurt.
Cancer: Intake of yogurt may also provide relief to those suffering from colon cancer. New study suggests that a diet rich in dairy products may slightly extend lives of people diagnosed with colon cancer.
Effective Against Skin and Hair Conditions: Yogurt, when applied topically, has been proved to cure acne and skin rashes and gives a healthy glow by reducing dark circles and closing pores. It is also beneficial for the hair and cures itchy scalp and dandruff.
It is quite apparent that yogurt is helpful in achieving and maintaining a healthy body. The daily consumption of yogurt provides a large chunk of essential nutrients as well.

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins and healthy fats, and a reduced risk of breast cancer. Cottage cheese is also a good source of various minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and selenium which all play vital roles in many of the body functions.
Cheese is a milk product that is made in a number of different ways and can be purchased in different forms depending on the milk and fat content. Some of the different types of cheese include hoop cheese, farmer cheese, pot cheese, paneer, queso blanco, and a number of others. Each of these cheeses is prepared with different procedure and sometimes different ingredients are added. Thus, different kinds of cheeses have evolved with different flavors.
The process to prepare cottage cheese and commercial cheese is somewhat similar. The only difference is in the size and proportions of milk which is used to obtain the cheese. Cottage cheese is prepared by boiling and curdling milk with the help of acidic substances such as lime or vinegar. As the milk boils, it starts to curdle, forming lumps of curds. These curds are then pressed to squeeze out the whey or milk serum to form a big lump of curd or cheese.

cottagecheese1Nutritional Value of Cottage Cheese

The nutrients found in cottage cheese (100 g) include energy (98 kcal), carbohydrates (3.38g), fat (4.5 g), sugar (2.6 g), protein (11.12 g), vitamin A (37 ug), and vitamin D (21 ug). Some trace elements found in cottage cheese include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, selenium, and zinc.
Cottage cheese is formed when casein, a milk protein, reacts with acid and coagulates. This is one of the favorite proteins for athletes, body builders, sprinters, and various sports enthusiasts because casein is a very slow-digesting protein and releases energy slowly. There is another protein, whey protein, which is a byproduct of cottage cheese preparation. Whey is very healthy and popular amongst sports and fitness enthusiasts. It can be stored in a cool place to be used at a later time.

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese provides many health benefits, including a high protein content, as well as significant calcium, phosphorus, and potassium contents, and it can be used for weight management.
Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer: The calcium and vitamin D found in dairy products, especially in cottage cheese, reduces the risk of breast cancer. Research conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health by Shin et al. found that in case of premenopausal women, the level of calcium and vitamin D actually helped in reducing the risk of breast cancer. This particular study was conducted over a period of 16 years.
Rich in Protein: One of the biggest benefits of cottage cheese is the high amount of casein protein found in it. It is believed that cow’s milk contains the highest amount of casein protein among various milks. The amount of protein contained in cottage cheese is ideal for vegetarians in supplying them with the required amount of daily protein. Cottage cheese does not require any amount of cooking and it can be consumed directly.
Best Foods for Pregnant Women: Cottage cheese is recommended for pregnant women along with athletes due to various essential nutrients found in it. For example, pregnant women need calcium and cottage cheese is a very good source for it. Cottage cheese also contains phosphorus, which is an important element found in bones that is also recommended during pregnancy.
Rich Source of B-Complex Vitamins: B-complex vitamins found in cottage cheese are helpful in various metabolic activities in our bodies. Some of them include vitamin B12, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin, and folate.
-Vitamin B12 is needed for proper brain functioning and helps in absorbing iron.
-Riboflavin helps in converting carbohydrates into energy.
-Pantothenic Acid acts as a synthesizer that helps in forming proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids in our body.
-Thiamin helps in converting sugars into energy in the pyruvate dehydrogenase system.
-Niacin, on the other hand plays an important role in digestion, energy production, and cholesterol reduction.
-Folate helps in fetal development in pregnant women, helps in producing red blood cells and keeps the heart healthy.
Strengthens Bones: Calcium is one of the major elements associated with milk and their products. Some of the benefits of calcium-rich foods include bone strengthening and weight loss. The amount of calcium in cottage cheese is 8% of the daily recommended value. Calcium, found in milk and milk products such as curd or cottage cheese, helps in building strong bones throughout childhood and adulthood. Eating calcium-rich foods during pregnancy and later years is helpful, especially in osteoporosis and colon cancer. It also helps the nervous system in sending nerve impulse and controls weight gain and heart disease. These are just a few of the benefits of eating calcium-rich foods like cottage cheese.
Heart-Friendly and Maintains Blood Sugar Levels: Cottage cheese is a good source of magnesium. In the human body, most of the magnesium is concentrated in our bones. Magnesium also acts as a catalyst, promotes biochemical reactions, activates various enzymes in the body, maintains muscle and nerve functioning, and supports the immune system. It helps in maintaining blood sugar levels and prevents heart attacks, constipation, psychiatric disorders, migraine, and collagen.
Prevents Strokes and Controls Anxiety: Apart from other nutrients, cottage cheese contains potassium. Potassium acts as a fluid-balancing element in the body and is an important component in neural activities of the muscle and brain. It also relieves muscle cramps. Intake of potassium on a regular basis prevents the risk of getting brain stroke, since it lowers blood pressure and the contraction of vessels. It is also helpful in decreasing stress levels and anxiety. Potassium, along with sodium, act as electrolytes, but potassium does not have the side effects of sodium such as increased blood pressure and cardiovascular stress.
cottagecheeseinfoImproves Biological Functions: Zinc found in cottage cheese is about 4% of the daily recommended value.  In the human body, it is found in the brain, muscles, bones, kidneys, liver, prostate, and eyes. It helps in the metabolism of DNA and RNA.  Zinc is one of the trace elements whose presence in our body helps in improving the immune system, digestion, diabetes control, fights stress and anxiety, cures night blindness, improves ocular health, prevents appetite loss, prevents prostate disorder, fights various infections and also acts as an antioxidant.
Improves Digestion: Cottage cheese contains phosphorous, which plays a major role in the formation of DNA and RNA. It is a major component in forming bones along with calcium. Phosphates also help in digestion, excretion, and in the production and extraction of energy in the cells.
Antioxidant Properties: Selenium is a trace element found in cottage cheese. It is required in very small quantities, not more than 50 mcg to 70 mcg in adults. Selenium is useful as an antioxidant that protects cells and DNA from damage. It is also believed that an optimum intake of selenium-rich foods reduces the risk of prostate cancer. New study suggests that a diet rich in dairy products may slightly extend lives of people diagnosed with colon cancer.
A Few Things to Consider:
There are certain risks involved in eating cheese, both of the cottage and grocery varieties. Some of these are particular risks for those people suffering from diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure).
Higher Levels of Sodium: Salt is a major ingredient used at various stages of cheese and yogurt preparation. As per the research conducted by Demott, Hitchcock, and Sanders at the University of Tennessee, an average of 3.7 mg/g to 4.5 mg/g of sodium chloride is found in various dairy preparations, including cheese. The findings are almost double the federal government’s approved salt content level (2.7 mg/g).
Bacterial Contamination: One may experience bacterial contamination by eating cottage cheese or any other dairy product, if the milk has not been pasteurized properly. One of the most common diseases that is associated with unpasteurized milk, improperly cooked meat, poultry, and fish is listeriosis, which is caused by Listeria monocytogenes. This bacteria is particularly known to be risky for pregnant women and their developing fetus.
Cholesterol Levels in Cottage Cheese: The level of cholesterol in cottage cheese depends upon the type of milk used for preparing it. If whole milk is used for cheese preparation, the cholesterol content would be as high (33 mg per 1cup) as compared to low fat milk (10 mg per 1 cup) or no fat milk (4 mg per 1 cup). So, if you are health conscious, use low fat versions of cottage cheese to avoid extra fat intake and excessive cholesterol.

Quick Serving Tips

Salad– Add chopped/grated cottage cheese to salads such as green salads and tuna salads.
Omelet– Add chopped cottage cheese and vegetables to the egg mixture for making a delicious omelet.
Curries/Stew– Cottage cheese can be used for making stew/curries, along with meat and vegetables.

Health Benefits of Butter

Although butter has had fluctuations in reputation over the years, it is actually a very beneficial part of a person’s diet that can improve your immune system, regulate our hormones, protect our vision, boost metabolism, increase brain function, reduce chances of heart disease and blood pressure, and protect you from cancer. Furthermore, butter can protect against gastrointestinal conditions, while ensuring proper development of brain and nervous system development.
By definition, butter is a dairy product that forms when milk or cream is churned, either from a fermented or a fresh source. This physical manipulation of the liquid changes it from an oil-in-water emulsion to a water-in-oil emulsion, because the membranes of fats are broken down and they join together to increase thickness and create the consistency that butter requires. When this chunkier, thicker emulsion if put in the refrigerator, the different variations of fat begin to solidify and mix, resulting in the apparent solid of butter, which softens at room temperature to the spreadable dairy product we all know and love. Butter is traditionally derived from animal milks, most commonly cows, so butter, as with most dairy products, is is produced mainly in areas with cows. However, other kinds of butter can also be derived from the milk animals like sheep, buffalo, goats, and yaks.
There is evidence that butter has been used in various cultural cuisines for more than 4,000 years, and in-depth studies of Indian culture as well as the Bible tell us that butter has been around for millennia, has long been considered sacred, and has long been respected for its nutritious potential. However, in recent decades, a shift in opinion has given butter something of a bad name, and people are turning towards margarine, or other overly processed and chemically altered substitutes, rather than butter. Now only is this decreasing the amount of organic food that is in the diet, but also eliminating all of the health benefits that butter can bring to your life.

Butter3Nutritional value of butter

These positive qualities of butter are mainly due to the  impressive amounts of vitamins and minerals that are found in butter. This includes vitamin A, D, E, and K, as well as essential minerals like manganese, chromium, iodine, zinc, copper and selenium. This is only a partial list of the most notable and important benefits, but with the wide array of nutrients in butter, more potential benefits are being discovered all the time. Butter is mainly composed of fats, not all of which are harmful, and many of which are essential to human health!

Health Benefits of Butter

Powerful antioxidant: Natural butter contains high levels of carotene, an unusual and essential nutrient for human beings. Carotene contributes to human health in two ways, either turning into antioxidants, or converting into vitamin A. In terms of antioxidants, about 60% of carotene taken in by the body is changed into these disease-fighting compounds in the body. These antioxidants are anti-infectious and can provide a boost to your immune system. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it can benefit those parts of the body that have fat-soluble membranes, like the skin, eyes, mouth, throat, as well as the urinary and digestive tracts. There, it can promote cell regrowth and repair, protecting it from vulnerability to infectious substances.
Furthermore, vitamin A boosts the immune system by stimulating the production of lymphocytes, the immune system’s defensive cells that protect against viruses and various diseases. High levels of vitamin A can improve your defenses against respiratory infections, as well as autoimmune diseases like AIDS.
Anti-Cancer properties: High levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene have also been widely studied, and positive connections between these two nutrients and lower chances of colorectal and prostate cancer have been found. More research is still being done on vitamin A’s impact on breast cancer, but studies so far have been promising. Some of this benefit comes from the antioxidant capabilities of vitamin A, because they actively defend against cancerous growth and promote apoptosis (spontaneous cell death) within tumors, slowing down the metastasis of cancerous cells.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has also been found in significant levels in butter, and has been connected in studies as a cancer prevention method. All in all, butter, when consumed in moderate quantities, can reduce your chances of developing cancer! However, vitamin A in high amounts when combined with smoking has been shown to increase the chances of lung cancer, so smokers should turn towards vitamin-C for their antioxidant needs, rather than vitamin A.
Intestinal conditions: Among the many components of butter, it also contains glycospingolipids. This special type of fatty acid can protect your body against a number of gastrointestinal issues and conditions, by contributing to the mucus layers along the membrane and making it more difficult for bacterial infections to bind to functioning receptors. Butter has a high level of glycosphinglolipids within it, primarily because it is derived from another animal, so adding butter to your diet can increase your defenses in your stomach and digestive tracts.
Cardiovascular health: Many people are shocked to hear that natural butter can actually work to improve the health of your heart, rather than reduce it! Butter contains HDL cholesterol, also considered “good” cholesterol. This omega-3 fatty acid actually reduces the presence of omega-6 fatty acid (“bad” cholesterol) which can clog up arteries and lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. However, the reason that butter gets a bad name is because of having both types of cholesterol. That being said, organic butter does have good cholesterol, and also higher levels of good cholesterol than what is found in processed butter and margarine.
Thyroid health: Our thyroid gland is arguably the most important part of our endocrine system, and one of the essential relationships that it has is with vitamin A. Most people that have hypothyroidism or other thyroid related diseases are also deficient in vitamin-A. This helps the proper functioning and regulating of hormones to be created and secreted throughout the body. Butter has more vitamin-A than any other type of vitamin, so if you have thyroid issues, or want to prevent them from occurring, be sure to include butter in moderate amounts in your diet.
Sexual dysfunction: Many of the fat soluble vitamins that can be found in butter are essential to human health, because they are necessary to take nutrients out of water-soluble vitamins.. Studies have shown that many of these fat-soluble vitamins can even improve sexual performance. Both vitamin A and D are important for proper brain and nervous system developments, but they are also needed for sexual development. Without those fats, as well as vitamin E, all men and women can experience a type of nutritional sterility, where their sexual characteristics don’t appear properly. It is no surprise that rates of sexual dysfunction and sterility have increased dramatically in the recent decades since butter consumption has declined.  Butterfat is the best source of fat-soluble vitamins we have, yet many people are completely losing that part of their nutritive intake.
Eye health: Beta carotene, which is found in such high levels in butter, has long been known as a booster for eye health. It contributes to the protection of the eyes, as well as in stimulating additional cellular growth, retarding the onset of cataracts, and reducing the chances of macular degeneration. It also decreases the risk of angina pectoris and other eye-related conditions.
butterinfoArthritis and joints: Butter contains a rare hormone-like substance that can only be found in butter and cream. It is called the Wulzen Factor, and it protects people from calcification of the joints,which leads to arthritis. This same factor can also protect humans from hardening of the arteries, calcification of the pineal gland, and as mentioned above, cataracts. This is only found in animal fats like cream or milk, but pasteurization eliminates the Wulzen Factor, so butter substitutes and margarine lose that vital benefit. Studies have shown that baby calves that are given substitute formula without the Wulzen factor do not survive, until it is replaced with organic butterfat.
Bone health: Aside from the anti-stiffness factor explained above, butter is also rich in essential minerals, like manganese, zinc, copper, and selenium. These are all important elements inmaintaining bone health, and stimulating bone repair and regrowth. Without a steady intake of these minerals, both essential and trace, you will develop osteoporosis, arthritis, and will suffer from other symptoms of premature aging.
Some of those minerals, like selenium and manganese, also have other functions. Selenium is integral to proper thyroid and immune system function, while manganese is necessary to create blood, just like iron, though in smaller quantities.
Nutritional absorption: As if all of these benefits are not good enough, butter also gives us something called Activator X, a mysterious vitamin and catalyst found in animals with specific diets, like grazing cows. It has an amazing ability to increase the efficiency of the body when taking in nutrients from food sources, making the most use out of every nutrient that passes through our systems. Chalk up another victory for butter!
A Few Words of Caution
Despite the health benefits of butter, it is important not to forget that it is still composed mainly of fats, which can wreak havoc on certain people, particularly those with poor diets, are obese, or are trying to lose weight. Butter does contain unhealthy cholesterol, and if too much is consumed, it can lead to many health problems, like heart disease, cancer, obesity, and all the other related health conditions that accompany those. All good things should be taken in moderation, and never above the required amounts. Consult your doctor to get a reading on your overall cholesterol health and risk of heart disease before switching back to butter for its other health benefits.

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''

Health Benefits of Kefir

The health benefits of kefir include its ability to detoxify the body, clean out the digestive tract, eliminate harmful bacteria, improve the immune system, manage diabetes and lactose intolerance, help lose weight, boost skin and hair health and appearance, and protect against various fungal and viral infections.
Kefir is a health drink that has become known as modern day “magic milk” due to its many health benefits. It is basically milk from goats, cows, or sheep that has been mixed with kefir grains and allowed to ferment. The slightly thick, yogurt-like substance that is then created is packed with probiotics, yeast, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It can be an option for lactose intolerant people and has been connected with a wide range of health benefits that cannot be acquire from other forms of milk or yogurt.
Kefir grains are actually combinations of yeast and bacteria, along with various proteins, lipids, and sugars that form clusters of clumps of bacterial colonies within the fermenting milk, thus resulting in the thick texture of kefir-520x300the drink. Kefir has been a popular drink for more than 5,000 years in the Caucasus Mountains and spread to both China and Europe during that time. It has recently become popularized in America and other western nations due to the rise of lactose intolerance and the desire for healthy alternatives to traditional food and drink. In culinary applications, it is commonly used to make sourdough bread and is a replacement for buttermilk in various recipes.

Nutritional Value of Kefir

The health benefits of kefir can be attributed to its wealth of probiotic bacteria, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including kefiran, kefirinfodietary fiber, protein, lactic acid bacteria, polysaccharides, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, manganese, sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Health Benefits of Kefir

Digestion: As a probiotic-rich substance, kefir can be very beneficial for digestion and intestinal health. The probiotics eliminate a lot of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, while also helping to absorb food in an efficient way. Furthermore, kefir is packed with dietary fiber, which stimulates peristaltic motion and can eliminate constipation. A single serving of kefir has more than 21% of the daily requirement of fiber.
Diabetes and Lactose Intolerance
For people suffering from diabetes, kefir can be a great way to remain healthy. Kefir grains are made up of sugar and lactose-eating bacteria, which means that excess sugar is removed from the system before it can flood into the bloodstream and cause the plunges or spikes in blood sugar that diabetics try to avoid. For those that are lactose intolerant, the lactose-eating bacteria can keep your stomach from reacting so violently, while still getting your body the important nutrients from milk.
Immune System
Not only does kefir provide a large amount of vitamin C, which is a key component for the immune system, it also has all of the beneficial bacteria that will eliminate other harmful bacteria in the body. It’s antioxidant properties can prevent a wide variety of diseases, including various cancers and heart disease.
Overall Health
As a very rich source of protein, kefir promotes the efficient functioning of the organ systems and can boost the body’s metabolism. Along with that, it helps wound healing, injury recovery time, and cellular growth.
Heart Health
The kefiran that is present in kefir has been connected to suppressing blood pressure and reducing serum cholesterol. Both of those things result in a healthier heart that is less prone to conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
A Few Words of Caution
Although there are not natural dangers to taking kefir, some people do notice an increase in the frequency of their trips to the bathroom. It certainly cleans out your system!

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''

Health Benefits of Buddha’s Hand

Some of the most important health benefits of Buddha’s hand include its ability to reduce pain, soothe gastrointestinal distress, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, ease menstrual issues, lower blood pressure, and clear up respiratory illness.

Buddha’s Hand

This unusually named fruit may not be something you’ve heard about, and considering that its range is quite limited and the amount of fruit that can be consumed from each one is somewhat small, that doesn’t come as a surprise. With the scientific name of Citrus medica var.sarcodactylis, this variety of citron (like pomelos and mandarins) is named as such because the fruit is separated into long, thin sections that resemble the fingers of a human hand. Native to India or China, as most citron varieties are, Buddha’s hand has long been used in religious ceremonies, possibly due to the importance of Buddha’s open hand to the Buddhist faith. However, this fruit is also used for perfumes, given its sweet, citrusy smell, and can also be consumed for its medicinal properties. buddhashand

It has very little juice and typically no seeds, and a bittersweet pulp, so common consumption hasn’t become widespread, and its distribution is still somewhat limited. It grows primarily in temperate areas of China and India, as well as parts of the west coast of North America, but exportation is still relatively narrow. Both the rind and the fruit itself can be used for various medicinal effects, so let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of Buddha’s hand.

Health Benefits of Buddha’s Hand

Pain Relief: For thousands of years, Buddha’s hand has been turned to for pain relief, namely due to thechemical composition of the fruit, which includes coumarin, limonin, and diosmin. In combination with its anti-inflammatory capacity, Buddha’s hand is able to relieve swelling and pain caused by everything from injuries and surgeries to simple bangs and bruises, and was often believed to speed up wound healing and discoloration of bruises.
Respiratory Issues: One of the most common uses of Buddha’s hand is for respiratory conditions. Buddha’s hand acts as an expectorant, so if you’re suffering from excessive coughing that produces phlegm or catarrh, then consuming Buddha’s hand can be a quick and painless remedy. Soaking the fruit in a bowl with water and sugar can make this even more effective before consuming the fruit.
Gastrointestinal Issues: If you’re suffering from a upset stomach, diarrhea, cramping, bloating or constipation, Buddha’s hand can provide an effective remedy that eases inflammation in the stomach lining and soothes the intestinal muscles so that digestion and excretion can occur normally.
Menstrual Discomfort: For women who suffer from unusually strong menstrual periods, both in terms of cramps, bleeding, and mood swings, Buddha’s hand has long been trusted as a natural remedy. The anti-inflammatory nature of the fruit, combined with some of its other antioxidant qualities, make for a perfect solution if you’re facing this uncomfortable problem.
Immune Health: A specific polysaccharide found in Buddha’s hand is specifically linked to stimulating marcrophage activity and boosting the speed and efficacy of the immune system. Although this is seen as more of a preventative measure to keep your immune system strong, Buddha’s hand should also be eaten when suffering from the cold or flu, as it can significantly speed up your recovery time.
Blood Pressure: Alcohol extract from Buddha’s hand actually behaves like a vasodilator, relaxing and dilating coronary blood vessels and increasing circulation, effectively lowering blood pressure and reducing the chances of developing atherosclerosis or suffering from a heart attack or stroke. This significantly lowers the strain on the cardiovascular system to promote a long-term healthy lifestyle.
A Final Word of Warning: Despite the many benefits derived from the fruit, some of these are still in the process of being scientifically verified, although thousands of years of use should be some indication of its efficacy. However, you should always discuss with your doctor any plans to add a foreign fruit to your diet, particularly one as potent as Buddha’s hand. If you have low blood pressure, lowering it further with Buddha’s hand may not be a wise choice.

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''