Health Benefits of Burgers that are Gluten Free

  The buns, prepared with gluten free flours are usually the main focus when it comes to the gluten less variety of burgers. However, it would not be wise to ignore the Worcestershire sauce or Ketchups as both the products are known to contain gluten in the form of thickeners. The alternate form of burgers are both tasty and healthy allowing you to imbibe a host of nutrients into your body as you incorporate them in your diet.

Burger Buns
  •   Sorghum flour is one of the basic ingredients of the buns which are full of antioxidants that help to combat cancer. The sorghum can effectively lower cholesterol and aid the diabetics by being digested slowly.  
  • Amaranth flour is almost always added while making gluten less buns. They are high on protein having a number of essential amino acids that are required by us.
  • Tapioca starch and potato starch are often mixed together while preparing gluten free flours. The tapioca makes it a low fat alternative while the potato starch effectively lowers plasma cholesterol while energizing you considerably.
  • Corn flour can also help to prevent lung cancer and the enormous amounts of vitamin B present in it can aid cell metabolism thereby maintaining the muscle tone and boosting up your immunity.

''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''


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