Health Benefits of Chebulic Myrobalan:

Haritaki, The Fantastic Item

Uses and Benefits of Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan)

'' Haritaki (Chebulic Myrobalan) Re-grows black hair if used on daily basis for one  year'' Yes it is 100% true and tested. Miracle !

Health Benefits of Chebulic Myrobalan:


Due to its mild, safe and efficacious laxative properties the herb Chebulic myrobalan has been widely used in India as a home remedy. Regular consumption of powdered cherubic myroblan in the evening helps in correcting disordered processes of nutrition by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, utilizes and excretes food substance and restores the normal function of the system.


The decoction of Chebulic myrobalan is prepared by adding a couple of spoons of this powder in water and boiling it for a while to reduce the contents by half. In case of stomach ailments like hemorrhoids, the consumption of decoction helps to arrest secretion or bleeding and strengthens the stomach and promotes self healing. Its astringent property heals the hemorrhoids masses.


Do you know that juice of chebulic myroblan is the best antacid? You can rely on this highly beneficial herb for the treatment of acidity and heart-burn. It brings down your acidity and neutralizes your pH. For better relief, just prepare a juice with chebulic myroblan and Indian gooseberry (amla). Just chew a piece of chebulic myroblan or its powder to alleviate your heart-burn.

Breathing Problem

Just chew a piece of chebulic myroblan or its powder every night, will reduce your breathing problem to the minimum.


As you know chebulic myroblan is the mild laxative, it is the best remedy for your prolonged constipation. It is often prescribed by Siddha physicians for consumption only at bed time. Just consume either the powdered pulp of 2 or 3 fruits or the decoction to get immediate relief from constipation.

Diarrhea and Dysentery

This powder of the fruit pulp is often prescribed as an effective remedy for chronic diarrhea and dysentery. It is often advised to mix well in bowl with one spoon powder and a spoon full of pure honey and consume the mixture twice a day to get fast relief from diarrhea and dysentery.

Mouth Ulcers

You can make a paste with Chebulic myroblan powder and buttermilk / yogurt, and use it for treating your mouth ulcers, boils and such. You know that you can use the diluted decoction of chebulic myroblan as your mouth gargle for all oral inflammation. Suffering from tooth ache or gums problem simply apply the paste directly on your painful tooth or gums to get fast relief.

Skin Problems

You may wonder to know the properties of this herb in healing of chronic ulcers, wounds and scalds of your skin. You can prepare your skin ointment using fine powder of the fruit mixed with carrion oil (made from fat of an animal) and apply over your burns and scalds. See the healing power!

Eye Inflammation

The quick healing eye drops can be prepared from dilute decoction of chebulic myroblan. This will give quicker relief from swelling and inflammation. Mix few drops of decoction in distilled water and wash your eyes with this solution to relieve congestion in your eyes.


You will get gradual relief from the problem of mumps. The treatment is simple! Just apply the thick paste of chebulic myroblan over the swelling. Often healing is quicker.

Hair Toner

The herb brings wonderful relief to hair graying or hair falling problems. If you can't believe this, just take the paste of the fruit and mix it in coconut oil and boil till the herb gets dissolved in the oil. Filter the oil and preserve it in a bottle. Just apply this oil on your scalp daily and massage it. Alternatively you can rinse your hair in diluted decoction before taking bath. Else this if you eat 2 or 3 nuts daily, you will get your eye sight better and your hair will turn into black after one year, it is true and tested.

 ''An apple a day keeps the doctor away''


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